Saturday, August 28, 2010


raye ....
lg 2 minggu jer nk raye...
minggu nie cbuk giler....bkn cbuk wt cbuk bershopping...
waaaa rambang mata....nsb baek la wit kt tgn tu x bgs gak...x la membazir...
membazir tu kn amalan syaitan....
heehhe excited nk raya dh nie...nk lupa seketika psl fyp sy.....
lps raye br pk blk....
insya allah raya 10/9...x sabar...
actually dua events in one days coz it's also was my 22nd brthday....
la dh tue rupe nyer sy nie....waaa nk muda x nk dh lalui zaman2 exam dulu2....
skrg nie nk enjoy ngan life sedia ada...n upgrade my life
n hepi with my beloved family n also my.......
luv them all so much......
cbuk psl raye...ape wane bj korg sume.....
wane family thn nie adalh merah.....abah yg pilih wane tu....
huhu 1st time ade wane nie.....
tp kn rs yer ramai yg wane merah thn nie....
kuih ....
emmm thn nie mak x wat byk kuih....yela klu wt pn dh x mkn sgt...
tp mak skrg ade bisnes br...homa-made coklat....
setakat nie dh ade lbh dr 500 biji tempahan...waaa caye la my mum

Monday, August 9, 2010

home made chocolate

it's so delicious...with a colourful and a lots of nuts in its....
really so was my first time making a home made chocolate n its taste was just same to the chocolate that we bought at langkawi...ala the one that shell shape....
besides that, it can make us more creative..

Friday, August 6, 2010


it has been long time...
i'm so busy doing my assgnment about designing a poultry farm
and also thinking of my final year project....until now, my final topic still does not confirm yet..
ummm...hopefully i can face all those stuff with patience, confident and hopefully Allah will help through my journey