Sunday, July 18, 2010


nothing to write it...
but my hand still want to write something...
umm...yesterday i meet someone that i really like to see his face....of course a guy
dont know why i like to see his face....
but i never ever had a conversation with him
although i had been in a same class with him for one subject.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

1st sem for my final year sem coming....
it means new topic,new things and need too work harder...
coz its my final year...i really...really need too focus doing my studies, revision, my final project...
hopefully i can do my best in this finalyear,,,,

Friday, July 2, 2010

end of practical

habis juga my practical selama 10 minggu
banyak sangat experience n new knowledge yang sy dapat
antara pengalaman yang bes...
dapat bawa traktor, panjat pokok kelapa, mkn durian free
n mandi hujan pegi or blk keje....
segala kesulitan,kegembiraan dilalui dengan penuh kesabaran
walaupun mulut nie x behenti2 mengomel bile ada pemandu yang bwk kete maen nk pecut jer or even jam yang memeningkan kepala.....
yela memikirkan mcm mane nk menyelit nie....
klu teror sgt bwk motor tu n pandai menyelit... x pe gak.....waaaaa
tp itula dugaan,cabaran n retetan idop kite.